“I still think there’s potential for a form of golf that takes less time to play, is more affordable and is not so discouraging for beginners”

Bill Amick - President - American Society of Golf Course Architects - 1986

Over 13,000 disc golf courses worldwide

….. and growing by an average of 10% per year

Low Installation Cost

Disc golf courses are inexpensive to install. One time Infrastructure/equipment costs including teepads, targets, signage, etc for a high quality course can be less than $1000 per hole and will last for many years, Land requirements vary but one acre per hole is an average starting point with heavily wooded courses typically requiring less land than a more open park-like or golf course setting.

Accessible and Affordable

For the new disc golfer entry into the sport of disc golf requires just a single disc with a cost of less than $20. Many people have started in the sport by using their existing frisbees or ultimate discs. Played 365 days a year where temperatures permit, disc golfers are known for playing in all kinds of conditions including at night with discs that glow in the dark. Because of the low development and maintenance costs, public courses are almost always free to play and with disc golf characterized as being easy to learn yet difficult to master, it is enjoyable for people of all ages and skill levels. On any given day you will see highly skilled professionals sharing the space with families trying the sport for the first time. It is a safe, low impact form of outdoor exercise, recreation and competition without the typical high costs of most similar activities.

Environmentally Friendly

Compared to traditional golf, disc golf courses have extremely low maintenance requirements. Played in the air, rather than on the ground, finely manicured grass fairways are not required which eliminates the the necessity of watering, fertilizing and requires much less mowing if there even is grass fairways. Disc golf is all about natural spaces that use trees, shrubs, and unique terrain as an important component of the course and are often added in during the design phase if budgets allow. Lastly, civic parks once considered unsafe are revitalized with the increased steady activity that occurs with a disc golf course.


Proven to add value to existing recreational facilities such as parks, golf courses, and ski areas, the sport is very economical in comparison. There are usually no green fees for public courses, the equipment cost is a fraction of other sports, and 18 holes can be played in 2 hours or less. Capitalizing on under-utilized land such as landfills, reservoirs, and difficult terrain, disc golf is becoming increasingly popular as a means of developing more attractive destinations. As tournaments draw competitors from outside of the region, additional economic benefits are realized by the local community.


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